Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Grace Cafe helps boost Annual Dine Out

The Grace Café in the Cornwall Park neighborhood greatly contributed to the 10th Annual Dine Out for Maple Alley Inn on Tuesday, May 4, according to the café owners.

Heidi Larson, co-owner of the Grace Café, said the café donated $350 to the Dine Out.

The Dine Out is a special event held by the Opportunity Council where local restaurants and cafés donate 20% of their proceeds to Maple Alley Inn, according to the Opportunity Council Director of Communications Sheri Burgler-Emerson.

Maple Alley Inn is a program that serves free, hot meals to the homeless and hungry, she said.

Burgler-Emerson said she does not know the exact amount donated from all the participating restaurants but she knows it is more than $20,000. She said the exact amount will be available by the end of May.

“I’m really excited,” Burgler-Emerson said. “Thanks to generous restaurants and tremendous community support, this will be a great year.”

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